Lifestyle or Documentary?
You get to choose. Spend an hour in a semi-scripted session, or a relaxed, totally unscripted Lazy Morning session with Jenn. Either way, the images will be uniquely you - and meaningful.
Because some families can't be photographed in under an hour.
I should know. Mine is one.
My daughter Raeven is a teenager who would most likely talk your ear off about anime and K-Pop the first half an hour.
My other daughter Skyler will dab for another 30 minutes before showing you her colorful animations on Framecast. My husband will perhaps enthrall you with his many hobbies.
All in all, it'll be three hours in before we get anywhere close to who we are TOGETHER.
After almost ten years of photographing families and weddings, this is my realization. That some families, like mine, require a more "dig deep" approach. And it's an approach I love.
Documentary photography is not just a series of snapshots and candids. It's purposeful framing and intentional composition in the capturing of unscripted moments that ultimately paint a picture of your family's togetherness.
Without the pressure of limited time or having to "dress up", our sessions allow you the freedom to be yourselves and for photography itself to take a backseat. The only rule? Zero screen time (which has to apply to parents as well!). From the time I arrive until the last little head hits the pillow, we will do whatever it is families do together, and I will capture the beautiful rawness of it all, be it eating breakfast together, playing hoops, shopping for groceries, doing homework, playing KATAN, taking a swim in the river or even just hanging out reading a book.
At the end of the day, the only thing left will be the wonderful memories made. If I do my job right, nobody would remember that a photographer had tagged along to capture it all!
However, quick is also good.
A semi-scripted lifestyle session may be just what you need because you have a busy week ahead and still want photos. We got you covered. Our lifestyle session will get the beautiful shots you want in an hour-ish at a location you pick or at home. The number of images will be fewer (because the time is shorter) but the photos will still be meaningfully you.
Either approach yields natural, meaningful photographs that your family will cherish for a long time.
Ready to book? Click here to proceed.